Monday, February 14, 2011

Writer's WRage!

Recipe for Writers' Wrage

Mix 2 bushels of frustration with 1 peck of raw irritation. Simmer until it smells unpleasant.

Slowly stir in a handful of isolation

Add, alternating, massive amounts of self doubt with freshly scaled floundering. Mix until scabrous between each addition

Simmer until unbearable, skimming off any bits of hope which may float to the top

Take a sack full of recriminations and whip until bleeding. Fold into other ingredients and slowly grind until you stare out the window in apathy.

Take resulting mixture and push into casings made from bitter inner voice.

Basting with pity, bake in a lack of measurable success for 12 months or until entire thing explodes.

Serve on a bed of shredded self esteem; garnish with wilted ego.